Utter Chaos' Notes

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Running the Virtual Machine with Live-CD

First of all: Please don't attach the USB<->SATA cable to the PC yet. In this how-to I will clearly state when to connect the cable to the USB-port.

After installing the free VMWare Player (link) it's as easy as selecting the slax.vmx configuration file to get the Live-CD up and running within the VMWare Player:

When the login-screen is shown login as "root" with password "toor" as shown on screen:

The "dmesg" command is an important aid in the quest to get it all working so fire up this command after succesful login:

The output shown by dmesg (please note there is no reference to a USB Mass Storage driver):

Here comes the important part :) Enter the command as shown below. Be aware the values after the parameters "fix_inq_vendor_id" and "fix_inq_prod_id" may differ from your specific device! If you're not sure about yours use the lsusb command to find out.

Fire up the dmesg command once again. If all went fine the last section states the "USB Mass Storage support registered."

Now it's time to startup your 360-drive and after you've done so connect the USB-cable to your PC. After a few seconds the device will be picked up by VM-Player (mine shows up in the title-bar of VM Player as "Anonymous USB-device (Vendor:152d Product:2338)". Also: for the moment please be sure to have a disc in the 360-drive (I used a movie DVD).

When issueing the dmesg command again you should read someting in the end like "Attached scsi removable disk sda". This means the 360-drive is at /dev/sda:

Since you know the device the 360 has been hooked up by now you can play around with the 360 Hitachi drive, including reading/writing and dumping the firmware. Be adviced: it's always a good idea to remove a disc from the drive before attempting to do anything firmware-related.

If your goal is to get the drive recognized by windows just fire up the modeb command along with the device as a single parameter:

If you still have the disc in the drive when issueing the modeb command you will hear the drive spin loudly without slowing down. To get the drive picked up by Windows just "release" the device from the VMWare player by clicking on the device in the titlebar. Windows will pick it up right away and assign a drive-letter to the drive.

Well that's about it! I managed to use the Hitachi 360 drive through a SATA<->USB cable when using the Slax Live ISO within a Virtual Machine. I will write a summary later and post the summary here and over at the XboxHacker BBS.

Thanks: MacDennis, Probutus and SeventhSon for your ideas, thoughts and tools!


  • Thanks for the tutorial! Used R Driver II USB -> IDE/Serial ATA-adapter and my Hitachi was detected in Windows.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 12, 2006  

  • This is by far the most elegant way to get the Hitachi detected and put into modeb. It worked for me flawlessly and it's so much more elegant than anything thats documented everywhere else.

    I really hope you can get your methods published somewhere it can reach a lot of people. It will save a lot of frustration people tearing their pc's apart, dealing with SATA controllers, and creating bricks in the process.

    - Remorse

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, July 29, 2006  

  • Excellent tutorial.
    I recommend putting it on a PDF file and uploading it to several other places.
    Also you should post it in xbox-scene tutorials.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, July 31, 2006  

  • Great tutorial, easy to follow. But I have a problem: when I hit the modeb /dev/sda command, slax tells me: command not found... I've followed all the steps. Don't know what to do. Please help me

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, August 12, 2006  

  • @benken and anyone with the same problem:

    i had the same problem. the solution is to follow the manual exactly.

    First the modprobe command (usb not connected and xbox 0ff)

    then dmesg

    then you turn on the xbox with a game/dvd in it.

    you wait until the xbox is on and you see the orange screen.

    THEN you connect the usb (NOT EARLYER)

    then dmesg

    then modeb /dev/sda

    now exit vmware player en TAKE OUT THE GAME/DVD and flash the xbox360

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, October 14, 2006  

  • Hey

    Its all goes fine until the ModeB command

    Its says command not found

    Any ideas?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 08, 2006  

  • Same her.. But try goggle for this ISO


    work for me..

    God luck..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, November 19, 2006  

  • where do i get the .vmx file ?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, July 12, 2007  

  • seeing as the last post to this message was a long time ago this will probably go unanswered, but when i bring up slax in the vmware player it wont ever show the dvd drive, but if i load slax by rebooting to the cd it is burned to i can see the dvd drive and can get all the way to the part where i typed modeb /dev/sda but it says that input output error i did exactly as that poster said to wait for the orange screen, but nothing still happens im using a usb to sata connection and its a benq

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, December 04, 2008  

  • Thanks for the great tutorial. Completely saved the day!

    To the poster from Dec. 2008: This is mainly for HITACHI drives. ModeB is not a Benq function. That's probably the root cause of the error you're getting.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, March 27, 2009  

  • im having trouble with "fix_inq_vendor_id" and "fix_inq_prod_id".

    i cant get it work. when i type lsusb i get 0e0f:0002
    1d6b:0001 linux foundation 1.1 root hub

    what do i put for the id?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 16, 2009  

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